澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学郑杲娉教授:Meme Stocks and Individual Investor Trading: Evidence from Reddit Outages
2024/12/19 |
莫纳什大学徐永新教授:Does social media make banks more fragile? Evidence from Twitter
2024/12/19 |
波士顿学院Andrey Malenko教授:Recent Developments in Corporate Finance Theory
2024/12/14 |
新加坡国立大学杜梦乔教授:Beyond Old Boys’ Clubs: Financial Analysts' Utilization of Professional Connections
2024/11/01 |
中山大学岭南学院黄雪松教授:Can Redemption Fees Prevent Runs on Funds?
2024/10/23 |
湖南大学金融与统计学院刘扬教授:Granular Belief Dispersion: Interpretation Heterogeneity and Information Asymmetry
2024/10/15 |
新加坡管理大学金融学Bart Zhou Yueshen教授:Inefficient Trading of Carbon Credits
2024/09/03 |
新加坡管理大学金融学孙健教授:Algorithmic Transparency
2024/07/25 |
佐治亚理工学院邓世杰教授:Long-Range Dependence and Asset Return Anomaly
2024/07/30 |
伦敦政治经济学院会计学李习教授:Market Reaction to Voting Intention Disclosures
2024/07/19 |
犹他大学David Eccles商学院舒翀教授:Divestment and Engagement: The Effect of Green Investors on Corporate Carbon Emissions
2024/07/19 |
新加坡管理大学李光前商学院李伟凯教授:The Effect of Carbon Pricing on Firm Performance: Worldwide Evidence
2024/07/19 |
清华大学五道口金融学院周皓教授: Redistribution Channel of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Bank Lending
2024/07/09 |
加州大学圣地亚哥分校管理学院Rossen Valkanov教授: Excess Volatility in Professional Stock Return Forecasts
2024/06/20 |
复旦大学国际金融学院金融学周亦凡教授:“Captain Gains” on Capitol Hill
2024/06/11 |
纽约市立大学巴鲁克学院董玺教授:Anomalies and Market Returns Abroad
2024/05/28 |
香港浸会大学商学院王启光教授:Investor Attention to Mutual Fund Disclosures and Information Efficiency
2024/05/17 |
香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院吴诗佳教授:GIFfluence: A Visual Approach to Investor Sentiment and the Stock Market
2024/04/30 |
暨南大学金融学姚加权教授:Trust and Contracts: Empirical Evidence
2024/04/19 |
香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院陈镜璇教授:Strategic Announcements in Short-Selling Campaigns
2024/04/18 |