华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校 Guofu Zhou教授: Empirical Asset Pricing: Methods and Results
2019/10/17 |
芝加哥大学高平阳教授: City and Rural Commercial Banks: Financing and Asset Compositions
2019/10/17 |
芝加哥大学高平阳教授: Manipulation, Panic Runs, and the Short Selling Ban
2019/10/17 |
马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校教授Yijia Zhao: Tests of the New Intermediary Asset Pricing Theory: The Role of Lead Bank Capital in the Liquidity of Syndica...
2019/10/17 |
香港中文大学丁一博士: Strategic Press Release when Employee Unemployment Risk is Better Insured
2019/10/17 |
香港大学王自干博士: Unionization and Corporate Social Responsibility
2019/10/17 |
清华大学五道口金融学院陈卓教授: Pledgeability and Asset Prices: Evidence from the Chinese Corporate Bond Markets
2019/10/17 |
香港科技大学Yoshio Nozawa教授: The Global Credit Spread Puzzle
2019/10/17 |
南洋科技大学商学院Qifei Zhu博士: Dual Ownership and Managerial Compensation Incentives
2019/10/17 |
上海交通大学高级金融学院鲁小萌教授: Bubble-Creating Stock Market Attacks: Evidence from China
2019/10/17 |