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2019 IFS of SWUFE Internal Conference Ⅱ

2019-10-18  (click)

Huacheng Zhang                      IFS
Yongkyu Gam                           IFS
Ke Du                                       IFS
Yishu Fu                                   Institute of Chinese Financial Studies

Time: July 24th. Wednesday         9:00-12:15 and 13:30-16:45

Address:  IFS Conference Room 202


Professor Name Time School Topic
Huacheng Zhang 9:00-10:30 IFS, SWUFE This is not my dog: Why doesn’t the log dividend-price ratio seem to predict future log returns or log dividend growth?
15 Minutes Break
Yongkyu Gam 10:45-12:15 IFS, SWUFE Decision-making Delegation in Banks

Lunch Time: 12:15-13:30
Ke Du 13:30-15:00 IFS, SWUFE Intertemporal Substitution, Precautionary Saving, and the Currency Premium
15 Minutes Break
Yishu Fu 15:15-16:45 Institute of Chinese Financial Studies of SWUFE Tigers and Flies: Conflicts of Interest, Discretion and Expertise in a Hierarchy

Institute of Financial Studies
Tel: 028-87099046          028-87099047
Email:yedan1220@126.com; Chengchengswufe@163.com

Pre:Prof. Hao Zhou from PBC School of Finance Tsinghua University: Countercyclical Risk Aversion---Evidence from 10000000 Auto Insurance Policies in China

Next:3rd International Scholars Finance Conference Chengdu China
