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Prof. Hao Zhou from PBC School of Finance Tsinghua University: Countercyclical Risk Aversion---Evidence from 10000000 Auto Insurance Policies in China

2019-10-18  click:[]

Time: 3:00pm-4:30pm, August 7th, Wednesday
Addr: Gezhi Building (Liulin campus) 317
Topic: Countercyclical Risk Aversion---Evidence from 10,000,000 Auto Insurance Policies in China
Speaker: Prof. Hao Zhou from PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University

About the speaker:
Hao Zhou is the Unigroup Chair Professor and Associate Dean of PBC School of Finance and the Vice Chair of National Institute of Financial Research (NIFR) at Tsinghua University. Before 2013, he was a senior economist at Federal Reserve Board. Hao received a PhD degree in economics from Duke University in 2000. He is the general secretary for the review committee of Sun Yefang Financial Innovation Award.
Hao’s research field covers the areas of variance risk premiums on stock, bond, currency, and credit markets, systemic risk and macro-prudential regulation of financial institutions, China financial markets and reforms. He has published papers in leading academic journals like Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economic, among others.

For the bio and publication of Prof. Hao Zhou, please see his homepage at: http://eng.pbcsf.tsinghua.edu.cn/portal/article/index/id/62.html

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