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3rd International Scholars Finance Conference Chengdu China

2019-10-18  (click)

3rd International Scholars Finance Conference
Chengdu, China
Topic: 3rd International Scholars Finance Conference

Time: July 23rd, 2019
Address: SWUFE IFS  202 Conference Room


Rossen Valkanov
(University of California, San Diego)
Fiscal and Foreign Account Imbalances and Asset Prices
Rossen Valkanov is the Zable Endowed Chair in Management and Professor of Finance at the Rady School of Management, and inaugural Co-Director of the new Master’s in Finance program. His main research interests are in the areas of empirical finance, financial econometrics, financial forecasting, risk management, portfolio allocation, and real estate.


Hong Liu
(Washington University in St.louis)
Circuit Breaker and Contagion
Professor Liu is Fossett Distinguished Professor of Finance and Director of the Master's in Finance Program. His areas of expertise include
asset pricing, financial economics, option pricing.


Shijie Deng
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Overview of Fintech Research
Shijie Deng is an Associate Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech.. Dr. Deng's research interests include financial asset pricing and real options valuation, financial engineering applications in energy markets, electricity transmission pricing and auction design, risk management and contract theory in supply chains, stochastic modeling and simulation.


Jingzhi Huang
(Pennsylvania State University)
Credit Risk Modelin
Professor Huang has been at Penn State since receiving his Ph.D. in finance from New York University in 1997. He has also taught at the Stern School of Business, New York University. His research interests include credit risk, fixed-income markets, derivatives markets, mutual funds and Hedge funds, and machine learning.


Professor Name Time School Topic
Rossen Valkanov 9:00-10:30 University of California, San Diego Fiscal and Foreign Account Imbalances and Asset Prices
15 Minutes Break
Hong Liu 10:45-12:15 Washington University in St.louis Circuit Breaker and Contagion
Lunch Time: 12:15-14:00
Shijie Deng 14:00-15:30 Georgia Institute of Technology Overview of Fintech Research
15 Minutes Break
Jingzhi Huang 15:45-17:15 Pennsylvania State University Credit Risk Modeling

Institute of Financial Studies
Tel: 028-87099046          028-87099047
Email: yedan1220@126.com; chengchengswufe@163.com        

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