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2019 IFS of SWUFE Internal Conference

2019-10-18  click:[]

Lan Zhang                      RIEM
Tao Peng                       RIEM
Yu Shen                        School of Finance
Gang Bai                       School of Finance
Yishu Fu                       Institute of Chinese Financial Studies
Rong Xing                     School of Economics Information Engineering


Time: July 5th. Friday         10:30-12:25 and 13:30-15:30

Address:  IFS Conference Room 202


Name Time School Topic
Yu Shen 10:30-11:05 School of Finance Open the  Stock Bailout Black Box : Evidence From China
Lan Zhang 11:05-11:40 RIEM Rice Farming and Stock Market Paticipation

10 Minutes Break
Yishu Fu 11:50-12:25 Institute of Chinese Financial Studies of SWUFE Tigers and Flies: Conflicts of Interest, Discretion and Expertise in a Hierarchy

Lunch Time
Gang Bai 13:30-14:05 School of Finance Chinese Shadow Banking: Information Sensitivity and Wealth Management Products
Rong Xing 14:05-14:40 School of Economics Information Engineering The effect of media-based corporate swarm on stock markets

15 Minutes Break
Tao Peng 14:55-15:30 RIEM Currency Crisis with Behavior Characteristic

Institute of Financial Studies
Tel: 028-87099046          028-87099047
Email: yedan1220@126.com; thl969@foxmail.com

Pre:3rd International Scholars Finance Conference Chengdu China

Next:Prof.Zhenjiang Qin from University of Macau: How Does the Number of Institutional Investors Influence the Effect from Threat of Disciplinary Trading on Agency Costs?
