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Prof.Zhenjiang Qin from University of Macau: How Does the Number of Institutional Investors Influence the Effect from Threat of Disciplinary Trading on Agency Costs?

2019-10-18  click:[]

Time: 10:30am-12:00am, June 24th Monday

Addr: IFS Conference Room 202

Topic: How Does the Number of Institutional Investors Influence the Effect from Threat of Disciplinary Trading on Agency Costs?

Speaker: Prof. Zhenjiang Qin from University of Macau

About the speaker:

Professor Qin received his Ph.D. in Finance from Aarhus University in 2008 and is currently an Assistant Professor at the School of Business Administration of the University of Macau. Professor Qin's main research interests are asset pricing and corporate finance. He has published research papers in world-class academic journals such as banking and finance magazines, accounting reviews, and is a member of AFA, FMA, and AEA.

For the bio and publication of Prof. Zhenjiang Qin, please see his homepage at:


Institute of Financial Studies

Tel: 028-87099046   028-87099047

Email: yedan1220@126.com, thl969@foxmail.com

Pre:2019 IFS of SWUFE Internal Conference

Next:Prof. Guofu Zhou from Washington University in St. Louis: Lecture Series of Empirical Asset Pricing: Methods and Results
