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Dr. Lawrence Choo, Assistant Professor of Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics: Manipulation and (mis)trust in prediction markets

2021-04-22  click:[]

TopicManipulation and (mis)trust in prediction markets

Speaker:Dr. Lawrence Choo, Assistant Professor of Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Time:2:00pm-3:30pm, April 23th (Friday), 2021

Platform: Tencent Meeting 208 049 323

About the speaker:

Dr. Lawrence Choo is a Singaporean. He received his PhD in Economics at University of Exeter, UK, and he was also a post doctoral fellow there. Currently he is an Assistant Professor of economics at the China Center for Behavioral Economics and Finance at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. His research uses experiments to better understanding how group behavior is influenced by social norms, market interactions and the use of prediction markets. He is also interested in basic game theoretic issues, experimental methodology and modelling bounded rationality behavior in strategic interactions.

How to join us:

SWUFE faculty and staff are invited to participate in this internal online seminar held by IFS of SWUFE.

Institute of Financial Studies

Tel: 028-87099046   028-87099047

Email: liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn

Pre:Dr. Haoyu Gao, Associate Professor of Finance, Renmin University of China: Shell-Shocked Investors: Earthquake Effect on Yield Spreads of Quasi-Municipal Bonds

Next:Dr. Nan Yang, Assistant Professor of Finance, School of Accounting and Finance, Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Cross-listings, Antitakeover Defenses, and the Insulation Hypothesis
