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Prof. Edwige Cheynel from Washington University's Olin Business School: Audit Firm Rotation and Misstatements: Evidence from a Dynamic Discrete Choice Structural Model

2021-07-27  click:[]

Seminar Topic: "Audit Firm Rotation and Misstatements: Evidence from a Dynamic Discrete Choice Structural Model"

Speaker: Prof. Edwige Cheynel, Washington University’s Olin Business School

Time: 8/11/2021

Platform: ZOOM

About the speaker:

Edwige Cheynel’s primary area of research is exploring the relationship between disclosure, financial markets and the cost of capital. She has approached the question of disclosure and the cost of capital from three avenues, all of which involve understanding a firm’s disclosure as a choice that it makes. The first avenue specifically focuses on the problem of firms raising capital for the purpose of investment decisions and how these investment decisions are related to the disclosure. The second avenue focuses on the disclosure as a choice made by both a standard-setting body and firms. The third avenue looks specifically at how characteristics of the market environment (both financial or product market) may determine the type of disclosures that are made. Edwige received the William Larimer Mellon Fellowship from Carnegie Mellon University in 2004-2007 and the Alexander Henderson Award for Excellence in Economic Theory from Tepper Business School, Carnegie Mellon University in 2010. She has published in the top journals in accounting, such as The Review of Accounting Studies, The Journal of Accounting Research and The Accounting Review. She earned an M.S. from the HEC School of Management in 2002 and a M.S. from Carnegie Mellon University in 2006. In 2010, Cheynel earned a Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University.

How to join us:

For SWUFE faculty members and students, please send an email to liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn to obtain the ZOOM meeting ID. For individuals who are from outside of SWUFE, please send an email to liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn and attach with your CV or resume. Meeting ID will be sent out when it is ready.

Institute of Financial Studies

Tel: 028-87099046 028-87099047

Email: liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn

Pre:Prof. Jeremy Bertomeu from Washington University's Olin Business School: Disclosure Paternalism

Next:Prof. Todd Keister from Rutgers University: Should Central Banks Issue Digital Currency?
