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Prof. Todd Keister from Rutgers University: Should Central Banks Issue Digital Currency?

2021-07-19  click:[]

Seminar Topic: "Should Central Banks Issue Digital Currency?"

Speaker: Prof. Todd Keister, Rutgers University

Time: 11:05AM-12:00AM, 7/27/2021

Platform: ZOOM

About the speaker:

Todd Keister joined the economics department at Rutgers in 2012 after working for six years as a research economist in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He has also been a professor at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) in Mexico City and held visiting positions at the University of Texas in Austin, the European University Institute, New York University (NYU), and the Paris School of Economics. Much of his research has focused on developing models of financial fragility and macroeconomic volatility that can be used to evaluate government and central banks policies. He holds a B.S. from Duke University and a Ph.D. in Economics from Cornell University.

How to join us:

For SWUFE faculty members and students, please send an email to liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn to obtain the ZOOM meeting ID. For individuals who are from outside of SWUFE, please send an email to liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn and attach with your CV or resume. Meeting ID will be sent out when it is ready.

Institute of Financial Studies

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Next:Prof. Ed Nosal​ from Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta: SHADOWBANK RUNS
