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Prof. Albert S. (Pete) Kyle from Smith School of Business of University of Maryland: Flow Trading

2021-07-05  click:[]

Topic: Flow Trading

Speaker: Prof. Albert S. (Pete) Kyle, Smith School of Business, University of Maryland

Time: 9:00AM, July 16th. 2021

Platform: ZOOM

About the speaker:

Professor Albert S. (Pete) Kyle is a Distinguished University Professor at the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, where he has been the Charles E. Smith Chair Professor of Finance since 2006.  He earned his B.S. degree in mathematics from Davidson College (summa cum laude, 1974), studied philosophy and economics at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar from Texas (1974-1977), and completed his Ph.D. in economics at the University of Chicago in 1981. He has been a professor at Princeton University (1981-1987), the University of California Berkeley (1987-1992), and Duke University (1992-2006). His current research focuses on market microstructure invariance and smooth trading. More generally, his research areas are market microstructure, including topics such as high frequency trading, informed speculative trading, market manipulation, price volatility, the informational content of market prices, market liquidity, and contagion. His teaching interests include market microstructure and institutional asset management, and asset pricing. He is the 2018 recipient of The CME Group--MSRI Prize in Innovative Quantitative Applications, a fellow of the American Finance Association (2014), and a fellow of the Econometric Society (since 2002). He holds an honorary doctoral degree from the Stockholm School of Economics (2013) and from USI, Switzerland (2021). He has been a board member of the American Finance Association (2004-2006), a staff member of the Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms (Brady Commission, 1987), a consultant to the SEC's Office of Inspector General, a member of NASDAQ’s economic advisory board (2005-2007), a member of the FINRA economic advisory committee (2010 to present), and a member of the CFTC’s Technology Advisory Committee (2010-2011).

How to join us:

For SWUFE faculty members and students, please send an email to liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn to obtain the ZOOM meeting ID. For individuals who are from outside of SWUFE, please send an email to liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn and attach with your CV or resume. Meeting ID will be sent out when it is ready.

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Pre:(Lecture Series) Prof. Randall Wright from Wisconsin School of Business at UW Madison: Monetary Economics - Theory and Policy Implications

Next:Dr. Han Ma, Assistant Professor at School of Finance, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
