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Dr. Dong Beom Choi, Seoul National University: Are Socially Responsible Firms Really Responsible? Main Street Lending during the Great Recession

2021-05-19  click:[]

Topic:Are Socially Responsible Firms Really Responsible? Main Street Lending during the Great Recession

Speaker:Dr. DONG BEOM CHOI, Seoul National University

Time: 14:00pm-15:30pm, May 28st (Friday), 2021

Livestream Platform: Tencent Meeting 305 337 744

About the speaker

Dr. Dong Beom Choi is an assistant professor of finance at Seoul National University in South Korea. He holds a PhD in Economics from Princeton University. Dr. Choi's research mainly focuses on banking, financial intermediation, credit market, and financial stability. His papers have been published in American Economic Review, Review of Financial Studies, Management Science and so on.

How to join us:

The IFS on-site seminar will be held from 14:00 to 15:30 on May 28th, 2021. We will connect our seminar virtually through Tencent (VooV) meeting platform. SWUFE faculty and staff are invited to participate.

Institute of Financial Studies

Tel: 028-87099046   028-87099047

Email: liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn

Pre:Dr. Han Ma, Assistant Professor at School of Finance, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Next:Dr. Yurong Hong, Assistant Professor at Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University: FinTech Adoption and Household Risk-Taking
