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Prof. Pingyang Gao from University of Chicago: Manipulation Panic Runs and the Short Selling Ban

2019-10-18  click:[]

Time: 10:30am-12:00am, June 11th Tuesday
Addr: IFS Conference Room 202
Topic: Manipulation, Panic Runs, and the Short Selling Ban
Speaker: Prof. Pingyang Gao from University of Chicago

About the speaker:
Professor Pingyang Gao is an associate professor of accounting at the Booth School of Business, University of Chicago. The main research area of Prof. Gao are disclosure regulation, accounting standards setting, incentive and contracting, and equity valuation. He received a PhD. in accounting in 2008 from Yale University and has presented his research at various conferences and university workshops. He has published his research paper on top international journals, such as: Journal of Accounting Research , The Accounting Review, and he is a member of AAA, AFA, AEA, CAPANA, and also an inactive CPA in China.

For the bio and publication of Prof. Pingyang Gao, please see his homepage at: https://www.chicagobooth.edu/faculty/directory/g/pingyang-gao


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Pre:Prof. Pingyang Gao from University of Chicago: City and Rural Commercial Banks: Financing and Asset Compositions

Next:Professor Yijia (Eddie) Zhao from the University of Massachusetts Boston: Tests of the New Intermediary Asset Pricing Theory: The Role of Lead Bank Capital in the Liquidity of Syndicated Loans
