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Prof. Jaeyoung Sung​ from Ajou University: Managerial Compensation and Outcome Volatility

2021-11-25  click:[]

Seminar Topic: "Managerial Compensation and Outcome Volatility"

Speaker: Prof. Jaeyoung Sung, Ajou University

Time: 10:40 AM-12:00 PM on 12/03/2021

Platform: ZOOM

About the speaker:

Professor Jaeyoung Sung received his Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis in 1991. From 1991 to 1997, he was an assistant professor at the School of Finance at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and then as a tenured associate professor from 1997 to 2009. Since 2008, he has been a distinguished professor of finance at the School of Business Administration, Ajou University, Korea. Professor Jaeyoung Sung has published many SSCI or SCI academic papers in the field of economics and finance. He has also published many academic papers in top international economic and financial journals such as Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Economic Theory, RAND Journal of Economics, and Mathematical Finance, etc.

How to join us:

For SWUFE faculty members and students, please send an email to liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn to obtain the ZOOM meeting ID. For individuals who are from outside of SWUFE, please send an email to liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn and attach with your CV or resume. Meeting ID will be sent out when it is ready.

Institute of Financial Studies

Tel: 028-87099046   028-87099047

Email: liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn

Pre:Dr. Yongxin Xu, Senior Lecturer at Monash University: Individual Investor Voice and Firm Value: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment

Next:Prof. Stefano Pegoraro​ from University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business: Incentives and Performance with Optimal Money Management Contracts
