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Prof. Randall Wright from Wisconsin School of Business at UW Madison: ENDOGENOUS LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL REALLOCATION

2021-07-19  click:[]


Speaker: Prof. Randall Wright, Wisconsin School of Business at UW Madison

Time: 08:00-08:55AM on 7/27/2021

Platform: ZOOM

About the speaker:

Randall Wright is the Ray B. Zemon Chair in Liquid Assets in the Department of Finance, Investment and Banking at the Wisconsin School of Business, as well as a Professor in Wisconsin’s Department of Economics. He previously held faculty positions at the University of Pennsylvania and Cornell, and was a National Fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution. He is currently a consultant for the Federal Reserve Banks of Minneapolis and Chicago, a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, where he co-organizes the Macro Perspectives group, and a Fellow of the Econometric Society and Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory. He has a B.A. (Economics) from University of Manitoba, a Ph.D. (Economics) from University of Minnesota, and an M.A. (Honorary) from University of Pennsylvania. Professor Wright is well known for his work on monetary, macro and labor economics, with over 100 publications. From 1998 to 2008, he was the Editor of International Economic Review, and is currently Associate Editor at Journal of Economic Theory and Advisory Editor at Macroeconomic Dynamics. He has won several awards for his research, and currently has the highest “degree centrality” in economics (basically, greatest number of coauthors).

How to join us:

For SWUFE faculty members and students, please send an email to liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn to obtain the ZOOM meeting ID. For individuals who are from outside of SWUFE, please send an email to liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn and attach with your CV or resume. Meeting ID will be sent out when it is ready.

Institute of Financial Studies

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Email: liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn

Pre:Prof. Chao Gu from University of Missouri: Credit Condition, Inflation and Unemployment

Next:(Lecture Series) Prof. Randall Wright from Wisconsin School of Business at UW Madison: Monetary Economics - Theory and Policy Implications
