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Dr. Xinming Li, Assistant Professor of Finance, Nankai University: Government Guarantees and Bank Liquidity Creation Around the World

2021-05-13  click:[]

Topic:Government Guarantees and Bank Liquidity Creation Around the World

Speaker:Dr. Xinming Li, Assistant Professor of Finance at Nankai University

Time: 14:00pm-15:30pm, May 14th (Friday), 2021

Location: Room 202, Institute of Financial Studies, Guanghua Campus of SWUFE

Livestream Platform: Tencent Meeting 767 001 657

About the speaker

Dr. Li is a tenure-track assistant professor at Nankai University. He holds a doctorate in Finance from University of South Carolina. His research mainly focuses on banking, financial institution, and corporate finance. His papers have been published in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and Journal of Financial Intermediation.

How to join us:

The IFS on-site seminar will be held on this Friday from 2:00pm to 3:30pm in Room 202. We will connect our onsite seminar virtually through Tencent (VooV) meeting platform. SWUFE faculty and staff are invited to participate in this internal online seminar held by IFS of SWUFE.

Institute of Financial Studies

Tel: 028-87099046   028-87099047

Email: liuchenyu@swufe.edu.cn

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Next:Dr. Ai He, Assistant Professor of Finance, Darla Moore school of Business at University of South Carolina: The rising tide lifts some interest rates: climate change, natural disasters, and loan pricing
