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Congratulations to IFS Faculty Member Kai Li for his Publication in Operations Research

2022-10-14  (click)

Congratulations to Dr. Kai Li for his latest publication "Optimal Dynamic Momentum Strategies" joint with Professor Jun Liu (UCSD).

Title: Optimal Dynamic Momentum Strategies

Authors: Kai Li (Macquarie University; Southwestern University of Finance and Economics) and Jun Liu (UCSD)


We explicitly solve for the optimal dynamic trading strategy between a riskless asset and a risky asset with momentum. The optimal portfolio weight depends not only on the momentum, as in Merton’s framework, but also on the historical price path; this contrasts with Merton. Because of their path dependence, optimal portfolio weights have a wide distribution for a given level of momentum; for example, investors may short the risky asset if it has rebound price paths but leverage if it has hump-shaped price paths. This effect tends to be the most significant after large price swings. Path dependence is solved with explicit formulas and presented with heuristic statistics.

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