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祝贺我院教师李凯在著名国际期刊《Journal of Economic Theory》发表研究成果

2023-04-18 10:22  点击:[]

祝贺西南财经大学金融研究院李凯副教授在著名国际期刊《Journal of Economic Theory》与美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校雷迪管理学院刘俊教授发表论文 “Extrapolative asset pricing”

题目:Extrapolative asset pricing

作者:李凯(麦考瑞大学应用金融系,西南财经大学金融研究院)Jun Liu(加州大学圣地亚哥分校雷迪管理学院)


This paper studies implications of return extrapolation in a consumption-based asset pricing model. We show that return extrapolation has strong implications for the pricing kernel. The time variation in the agen-t’s return expectations is mainly reflected in the short rate and little in return volatility and equity premium. Return extrapolation causes return volatility and equity premium to be lower than the rational counter-parts. In addition to the risk premium, the equity premium can include a sentiment premium that is due to dividend expectation bias rather than return extrapolation bias. Thus, time-varying dividend (rather than re-turn) expectation bias helps produce a volatile equity premium. These results show that return extrapolation exacerbates asset pricing puzzles and fundamental extrapolation helps resolve puzzles.




下一条:祝贺金融研究院创办院长Philip H. Dybvig获奖
